Tagged: sci fi

New stuff

Major update! after some talk with a few people, I’ve greatly increased the functionality of my level. It’s got a story now (will tell you later in the post), and it’s in a much more visually pleasing layout.

This is a new space station under construction still. The bridge commander over looks everything from his command post in the bridge of the ship the “Shadow Base GO!”. Behind him is the airlock, decontamination area, and space suit assembly. In front of him is the main viewing window so that he, and the pilot, know where to maneuver the ship. To the right is the power core and engine room.

Now for some pictures:

Still have a lot of work to do, but I’m finally out of a rut and doing something interesting.

Shadow Base GO! Color palette.

This has been the only thing slowing me up. I can’t just do what’s in the concept as it’s all just green and lighter green. I can’t do real metal colors, it looks extra grey and boring. even with accents (see below). So here’s been the progress of getting these assets up to snuff.

Here’s the extra grey version I was talking about. At this point, I’ve very quickly determined it needed the orange paint accents to avoid being completely washed out. Imagine a whole room of grey models. Sucks for you if you actually did that.

More grey:

Trying different paint schemes. Some work better than others. And by that, I mean the green one didn’t work.

This is where I’m at now.

The reason for the white is, it was suggested by a friend that doing just plain metal was “good enough for what you are doing, but doesn’t make me say ‘wow.'” Then shortly after asking several other colleagues what they thought, one dropped screens from the movie “Moon” with Sam Rockwell on my lap:

and basically said “make that.” So previous screens are the result of a first pass on the white sci fi look. There is a lot of work to be done.

Shadow Base Go!

That’s what I’m gonna call this project from now on. “Sci-fi Hallway” isn’t cutting it.

I’ve started to block things out in UDK. Lots of the modeling done (and still to come). Lighting is temporary. Unwrapping as I go! That’s actually making things a lot easier on me. Glad I thought of it :D!

Sci-fi Hallway

Conceptby Feng Zhu


just blocking out where everything goes. projecting some of the easier normal maps as well, like the floor tiles and pillars.

here’s the asset list so far:
wall w/ pillar
end pillar
end pillar w/console
ceiling overhand
2 floor panels
wall console
window outreach
2 walls

i have tomorrow off so im gonna bust ass on this tomorrow.

Let’s get archivin’

First up is a graduation project. It was a small team of 4 that worked on this environment for 11 weeks. Rendered in Unreal 3. I did the walls, part of the center command, and the space outside the window.

Next up! Dwarf Bakery! WIP really made it in between projects to stay inspired.

Some 2D stuff I’m proud of.

DomWar 4 mini challenge: General Bust Sculpt

Mod team work

Well! I think that’s it for this post!